Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Regular Expressions Syntax

Match the preceding character or subexpression 0 or 1 times. Also used for non-capturing groups, and named capturing groups.
Match the preceding character or subexpression 0 or more times.
Match the preceding character or subexpression 1 or more times.
Match the preceding character or subexpression exactly n times.
Match the preceding character or subexpression min or more times.
Match the preceding character or subexpression max or fewer times.
Match the preceding character or subexpression at least min times but no more than max times.
when included between square brackets indicates to; e.g. [3-6] matches characters 3, 4, 5, or 6.
start of string (or start of line if the multiline /m option is specified), or negates a list of options (i.e. if within square brackets [])
end of string (or end of line if the multiline /m option is specified).
groups subexpressions, captures matching content in special variables (\1\2, etc.) that can be used later within the same regex, for example (\w+)\s\1\s matches word repetition
groups subexpressions without capturing
matches any character except line-feed (\n).
any character between these brackets should be matched once. NB: ^ following the open bracket negates this effect. - occurring inside the brackets allows a range of values to be specified (unless it's the first or last character, in which case it just represents a regular dash).
escapes the following character. Also used in meta sequences - regex tokens with special meaning.
dollar (i.e. an escaped special character)
open parenthesis (i.e. an escaped special character)
close parenthesis (i.e. an escaped special character)
asterisk (i.e. an escaped special character)
dot (i.e. an escaped special character)
question mark (i.e. an escaped special character)
left (open) square bracket (i.e. an escaped special character)
backslash (i.e. an escaped special character)
right (close) square bracket (i.e. an escaped special character)
caret (i.e. an escaped special character)
left (open) curly bracket / brace (i.e. an escaped special character)
pipe (i.e. an escaped special character)
right (close) curly bracket / brace (i.e. an escaped special character)
plus (i.e. an escaped special character)
word (alphanumeric sequence) boundary
\1,\2, etc.
back-references to previously matched subexpressions, grouped by ()\1 means first match, \2 means second match etc.
backspace - when \b is inside a character class ( [] )matches backspace
negated \b - matches at any position between two word characters as well as at any position between two non-word characters
form feed
line feed
carriage return
vertical tab
word (i.e. alphanumeric character)
named character set
or; i.e. delineates the prior and preceding options.

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