Thursday, June 9, 2016

Interview Quetions

equinix Interview Questions:

1. Swap the two numbers without using third variable.
2. Explain checked and unchecked exception, exception handling, throws key word.
3. Explain polymarphysim ,overriding and overloading.
4. jsf life cycle, springmvc lifecycle,restfull webservice flow.
5. Explain hibernate lazy=true
6. singleton design pattern, code for thread safe singleton.
7. colloection hierarchy
8. write sample json
9. tell the http methods
10. difference between GET and POST
11. how hashmap works internally.
12. why String is immutable
13. what is deadlock, write the code for deadlock.
14. can we have parameterised constructor without default constructor in class.
15. spring MVC flow.
16. how to integrate the spring with struts mvc
17. Tell me about inner class.

ST Kinetics:
1. diffrence between StringBuilder and StringBuffer
2. differene between string and stringBuilder.
3. difference between Hashmap and HashTable
4. difference between iterating with iterator and for loop
5. how to sort attribut(salary) of  object(employee) with out using comparable.
6. write code to override hashcode and equals methods to sort the employee key objects and salary as double value in hashmap.

Polaris Virtusa

1. differnce between string and stringbuffer
2. checked exception and unchecked exception and about exception handling.
3. how to handle user difined exception
4. tell me about oops concepts
5. difference between overriding and overloading.
6. orderby ang groupby clause.

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