Thursday, March 5, 2015

Java interview Quetions

1.Could you pease explain Struts2.x flow ?
2. What is diffrence between Struts1.x and Struts 2.x?
3. Performance tuning in plsql ? how to do ?
4.Multithreading handling in core java ? many ways can we create thread? why we prefer runnable interface?
6. What is threadpooling ? how we can implement?
7.JDBC steps to get connection?which step database connection established?
8. JDBC with Datasource?
9.Servlet lifecycle?
10. Diffrence between JSP and Servlet?
11. Message driven bean implemtion steps? where you implemented in your projects?
12.How JMS implmented? how kind of API used to Implement JMS?
13.Spring AOP concept? Where you Implemnt AOP concepts ? How ?
14.some Unix commands Like ls,ps,Kill,find,Grep commands.
15.Diffent types Cursors in PLsql?
16. how do u handle Exceptions in procedure?
17. Triggers in Pl/sql?
18 Joins in sql? diffrence between innerjoin and Outerjoin?
19.Diffrence between Union and joins?
20. diffrence between restful webservces and soap services?
21.Singleton desinpattren ?
22. IOC and DI?
23. Proxy design Pattren?
24.could yu please explain collection frame work?
25.diffrence between concureent hashmap and hashmap?
26.synchrnization in java? externalization?
27.searlization in java? is marshling same as searlization?
28. Could you please explain oops to non technical person?
29. diffrence between string and stringbuffer?
30. Transction mangement in spring? how it internally works?
31.Spring benefits?
32. what are the issues faced while deloping hibernate application?
33. quaries exection in hibernate ? HQL vs criteria 5 features?
35 customized annatation implemention?
36.secound highest salary in sql?
37. higest salary from each department query?
38.union vs unionAll
39.Hashcode and equals methods implmetion?
40. spring mvc application with restful services implemntion? responseBody?
41.spring mvc application with jquery ?
42.Filters concepts in servlet?
43. authorization and authentication ?
44.sendredirect and forward set avioding duplicate data?
46.what are issues faced in your carrer?
47.optimstic locking in hibernatr?
48.spring annations?
49.monitors and semaphores in java?
50.jsp lifecycle?
51.spring mvc  flow?
52.strutss flow?
53.garbage collection in java.
54.memory management in java?
55.customized immtable class? defency copy immtable?
56.transction management in ejb?
57. methods in object class?
58. customized sorting using compartor?

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